
 Smillion Mori - Warrior Family


We are a family of successful entrepreneurs and, visionaries. We will show you how to dream big and create the life you always wanted. You will get the best tips and strategies on how to build a 7 figure business and have an amazing family life, too! You will become warriors like us! Warriors for profits, love, freedom, and happiness! Our tips are based on our own life experiences and lessons. You will hear the best speeches and interviews with the most successful warriors in the world, like Grant Cardone, Marshall Goldsmith, and others. Together we will teach you how to have it all!

You can go and listen my podcast on this page. Please see all my episodes listed below.


Episode 07: Vishen Lakhiani - Co-founder and CEO of Mindvalley


Episode 06: Peng Joon - Building 8 figure business in less than 7 years


Episode 05: Exclusive interview with Marshall Goldsmith - Part 2


Episode 04: Exclusive interview with Marshall Goldsmith - Part 1


Episode 03: Grant Cardone: You Can Have It All


Episode 02: Almaty: The most emotional speech I ever had - Part 2


Episode 01: Almaty: The most emotional speech I ever had